Good Evening Saints,
With all of us being cooped up in our homes because of this virus, we have to find ways to stay connected and spiritually strong. With that in mind, I’m hosting an online Bible study tomorrow from 9 am to 10 am via Zoom, an online video conferencing app. Our study will come from Philippians 4:4-9. I do apologize for the late notice.
Those desiring to participate can use any device that can connect to the internet by clicking on the link below. The best experience will come from a laptop or desktop computer, but tablets and phones can work as well. Once participants click on the link, it should install everything necessary to participate in this and future online Bible studies.
This is certainly not equal to face to face contact, but in these circumstances, we need to do everything we can to study and encourage one another.
Meeting ID: 372 051 444
One tap mobile
+16699006833,,372051444# US (San Jose)
+12532158782,,372051444# US (Tacoma)
In Christ’s Love,
Steve Hickman