Real Bible Classes
We value the word of God
One of the most enduring strengths of a healthy church, and Christian, is it’s study and knowledge of the Bible. Our faith is only as strong and authentic as we come to know God through His word (Rom. 10:17).
We are blessed to have very capable men and women who desire to show how relevant and practical the Bible is for everyday life. Every Sunday morning and every Wednesday evening you have the opportunity to engage in meaningful discussions of eternal significance.
We also have the Corona Bible Institute (CBI) offering video courses taught by some of the most respected Bible teachers in the country. Being accredited through the Sunset International Bible Institute in Lubbock, TX, you are able to earn your Bachelors Degree in Biblical Studies right here at home. There is no other opportunity like this in Southern California.
If you are looking for a growing faith, you have found a group of people who want to grow with you. Engage in the classes described here and see how God can transform you while giving your life greater direction, meaning and purpose.
Sunday Morning Classes:
- A Young Christian’s Daily Walk (1 Peter)-
Peter’s first letter is a very practical approach to living as a Christian. The apostle offers real solutions to the struggles we face and how to develop healthy relationships. He identifies and elevates the true grace of God and encourages us to “stand firm in it!”
- Junior High Teens (James)-
James offers some of the most practical guidance for our lives as Christians. It’s like a mirror reflecting our true relationship with one another and with God. It helps us to deal spiritually with the real issues and struggles we face as teens.
- Senior High Teens (Matthew)-
The gospel of Matthew reveals the life we have been designed and invited to live. He introduces us to Immanuel and guides us in every corner of our lives. We learn how to develop healthy relationships, how to overcome temptations, how to pray more effectively and what it means to be a disciple – all by watching the way our Master lived His life.
- The Ladies Class is offering a chronological study of the Bible-Beyond the Walls-
Kevin offers a fresh approach to learning the valuable message of encouragement the Lord sends to his church.
Wednesday Evening Classes:
- Grades 1-6 are studying the early life and ministry of Jesus.
- Junior and Senior High – Living the Christian Life
- Adult Class – Dedicated to God (The Books & Life of Samuel)
- CBI Class – The Study of Ephesians
- This class is taught on DVD by one of the highly respected members of the faculty at the Sunset International Bible Institute (SIBI) in Lubbock, TX. visit our CBI page for more