Some of our church members are leaving to Tahoe Valley Campground for a week of vacation and spiritual growth this coming Saturday at 6:30 am. They will join more than 1,500 Christians. for more information contact Za Farley. We ask prayers for a safe...
Download Flyer Following Evening service You are invited to a Memorial Day Weekend BBQ at the Adams home. Meat will be supplied. If your last name ends in A-R please bring a side dish/salad to share, S-Z bring drink/desert. See Mark or Barbara Adams for more info...
Corona Family, It’s our final REAL Weekend Push so we are CALLING ALL HANDS. This Saturday, April 18 we will be going out into the community to distribute flyers for REAL Weekend and to hang posters in local businesses. Let’s continue to spread the word...
Sundays Following Evening Service Locations to be Announced
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