Let it be known that, on the 13th day of September 2015, Irene Jimenez Tapia, Became a believer in Jesus as her Lord and Savior (John 3:16). Confessed her faith in Jesus as the Christ, the son of the living God (Romans 10:9-10) and submitted to the command to be baptized (Mark16:16). Irene confession was witnessed by all those present and she was buried with Christ in baptism administered by Noe Galvan, and was raised to walk a new life in Christ Jesus (Romans 6:3-14)
In so doing, Irene put on Christ, (Galatians 3:27) and received the gift of the Holy Spirit, (Acts 2:38, 39). Irene understand that when one thus surrenders to the cause of Christ she becomes a part of the body of Christ, which is His Church (1 Corinthians 12:12,13). As a new member of the Lord’s Church, Irene submits to the direction o the Church’s elders who have been charged with the responsibility of guiding her in her Christian walk (Hebrews 13:17).
Irene knows that Christ is the head of His body, the Church, and that He has saved her “to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do” (Ephesians 2:10). Therefore, on behalf of the saints who make up the Corona Church of Christ, the elders welcome Irene as a sister in Christ, serving with us to the glory of God