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When Dreams Are Bigger than Our Memories

When Dreams Are Bigger than Our Memories Memories are an important part of life. When we look back and share memories, our conversations usually begin with, “Remember when…” When I get together with my two brothers we love to reminisce for hours about our childhood...

Join the Benevolence

Please join the Benevolence Committee. In Preparing for the annual community Holiday Sharing. Community Food & Clothing Drive Bags of groceries will be handed out to the community and members in need. Please start to purchase items, our goal is to feed 100 or more...

A Life-changing Experience

A Life-changing Experience A life-changing event touches the heart and brings a startling realization that life will never be the same. I vividly remember being present for the births of my daughters. I stood in awe as the doctor carefully delivered them and as they...

Authentic Faith

5 Questions to Establish Authentic Faith How do we know when our faith is real? To answer this question, we must know what real faith looks like; what is the source of faith, in what or whom faith is placed, what faith assumes, and what faith is meant to accomplish....

Sewing-Decor Part 1

Vintage Workshop Sewing-Decor Part 1 in Corona Church of Christ [maxbutton id=”10″] Hello Ladies, Now that the summer is over, VW is starting fresh with a new project at a new time! For those of you that do not know, Vintage Workshop is now an all ages...
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